IT/EDP project management
The successful introduction and continued development of IT systems is perhaps one of the most challenging management tasks. It relies on your ability to draw on enough internal capacities to meet the demands for adaptation and project management.
As a result, few IT projects are implemented on time and on budget. This has a lot to do with the disconnect that exists between what IT/EDP salespeople promise and what their technicians and programmers can actually deliver. Often, they have no idea about how to implement what was promised. In most cases, it is not even possible. The budget discussed and agreed upon is adhered to in almost NO cases. Budget overruns of 100% - in both costs and extra time spent – are the rule rather than the exception.
Most often, providers benefit from a simple legal and factual advantage: most IT jobs are commissioned on the basis of work being undertaken as opposed to service delivery. The contractor, therefore, has no specific duty of service, just of work.
Hence the danger of losing control, drowned by the minutiae of delivery details is imminent. Once the order has been placed and the first payment has been made, half way through the project at the latest, the balance in your client-supplier relationship starts to gradually shift. Suddenly you, the customer, are no longer “king”. Instead, you find that you have become dependent on your provider. Backing out half way through a project in which you have already invested a lot of money and internal resources as well as your credibility is only possible in the rarest of cases.
Work with us as an intermediary and we will redress the balance – or even better, ensure that the above scenario does not happen in the first place.
In this field too, we have extensive know-how and more than thirty years of experience.
We will analyse and understand your operational processes and requirements.
We will find the right provider for your project.
We will advise you on the crucial details of the tender process.
Where necessary, we will use our resources to manage the entire process.
In addition, we will organise the security of your data, ensuring that all sensitive business information is encrypted before being shared within your team or stored.