The morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model
The morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model is a new and innovative approach suitable for solving any type of challenges. This model has been developed by the Swiss executive consultant Lars Oliver Schubert on the basis of numerous practical experience. The model has been enhanced and brought to perfection through its application in a wide variety of segments. Its core is the 5-dimensional – fully comprehensive – perspective of the respective task.
The core concept of the model is to quickly permit a comprehensive and new basis for action and thereby new solution approaches in challenging and complex situations.
After making the respective decision, the approaches chosen are implemented as intensely as possible, though in a resource-saving way. It is our objective to create a regulatory cycle in order to actively adjust this implementation and to model the established solution approaches according to the respective situation.
Differentiation and particularities:
The morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model differs from pertinent models by the following parameters:
- In critical situations it is necessary to stabilize the system first. This provides valuable time for in-depth analysis of the overall situation and the causes of problems.
- The willingness to understand and unbiased trying to understand the specific problem as well as the existing correlations set the basis for sustainable solutions.
- The identification of ‘points of action’ in a system and methodical and concentrated action focused on the points of action. Thereby resounding success is quickly achieved and resources are saved.
- Developing a way of planning focused on actions that is more similar to a screenplay than to a typical project and resource planning.
- Concious and planned involvement of people and their emotions as a fifth solution dimension. They serve as a catalyzer in the development and implementation of necessary changes and new approaches.
- Considering basic and changing socioeconomic environmental factors and overriding trends as a further dimension strengthening the solution.
- Considering the correlations of connected ‘morphongenetic’ fields based on mental approaches, theses and research activities of the biologist and graduate biochemist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake (i. a. author of ‘The Memory of Nature’ (1990), ISBN 3-502-19661-3 (German edition) and ‘Science Delusion: Freeing the spirit of enquiry’ (2012), ISBN 978-3-426292105 (German edition)
Creating a new basis for action:
A basic objective of the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model is to create a new basis for action for all types of problems.
The methodology allows the definition and implementation of action steps which are built upon each other:
I. Stabilizing the system
II. Analyzing the system
III. Developing a common understanding for the correlations
IV. Identifying the critical points of action
V. Writing and rehearsing a screenplay
(defining objectives, strategy, tactics and alternative plans etc.!)
VI. Concentrated action and readjustment according to the respective situation
I. Stabilizing the system
In order to be able to carry out a clean analysis, the system (company, relations, social group, project) is stabilized first. Therefore different resources might be necessary, for example liquidity, distance to the situation, time, among other things. These resources can be allocated within the system or can be brought into the system from outside.
Its goal is to create a situation in which challenges and tasks can be registered thanks to the respective distance.
That way we try to avoid the human reflex of getting lost in the complexity and vast number of work details in problem situations. Especially in cases when people are personally affected, this model offers the possibility to change from the problem perspective into the solution perspective.
II. Analyzing the system
Now an analysis of the situation is done from a distance including curiosity, openness and sedateness. Without personal consternation and with outside support new perspectives and solution approaches, which had not been considered so far, become visible.
Its goal is to loosen long-established patterns of thought (cultural, market-specific, ideological) and thus to get a new, free and unbiased view of things. When people are affected they often ‘lose sight of the wood for the trees’.
As much as automatic thought processes help increase a person’s speed of action when he or she has ‘experience’ in handling certain situations, on the other hand these automatisms prevent him or her from dealing with problems in different ways.
The first step in the analysis process of the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model is to really know and learn to understand the existing rules, circumstances and correlations in a system. In a second step these rules, circumstances and correlations, which are often seen as fixed principles, are consciously questioned.
In most cases this process cannot be carried out without an external consultant. There are now several consultancies that have been specialized in the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model.
The process of analyzing and understanding new correlations consists in its theory of the following different steps:
1. Noticing
2. Observing
3. Questioning
4. Recognizing/understanding correlations based on facts
5. Assessing (= comparison with experience)
6. Synthesis
Steps 1 to 4 for the actual process of the analysis. The more nonbiased the notice, observation, questioning as well as the recognition of existing correlations based on the information gained, the better the quality of the analysis. The more careful and objective the analyzing, the closer the observer gets to the actual connections.
Only then the assessment should start. Assessment is the process of adjusting what people notices with the things they think they have already known (or experienced). However, in practice many people tend to assess ‘obvious’ correlations before the actual process of collecting facts has been finished. This creates the impression of increased effectiveness because the process of collecting facts costs resources (especially time). Immediate capacity for action and in-depth analysis usually compete under time pressure. The morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model provides enough time for a comprehensive and in-depth analysis thanks to the previous stabilization of the system.
III. Developing a common understanding for the correlations
The gathered information, recognized correlations as well as the assessments based on experience are only fused in the process of synthesizing. This enables the emergence of new findings as well as a comprehensive understanding of the existing correlations– and with that also the potential for completely new solution approaches.
The morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model is about getting a comprehensive picture of an overall situation and its embedding in larger correlations. Its goal is to gain an overview of the whole playing field virtually from the sideline as well as from a bird’s eye perspective – that way recognizing the smaller and larger correlations of the game.
The emphasis here is to get a comprehensive understanding of all relevant and acting persons and players, their intentions and objectives as well as all resources available, and relevant socio-economic environmental variables.
This comprehensive understanding is the basis for the next crucial step.
IV. Identifying the points of action
Time and money are crucial in order to be able to rescue a system which is close to collapse. As both are usually not available in crises, all resources are sensibly arranged and are targeted accordingly.
‘Points of action’ are the points in a system where possible changes usually trigger a disproportionate leverage effect. These are the points where the lowest effort can attain the maximum effect.
The points I – III serve to identify exactly these points of action in a system.
Points of action can take the most different forms.
- Rules and standards that are changed
- Persons who intervene in a system or leave it
- Targeted allocation of resources instead of equal distribution
The conscious identification of these ‘points of action’ in the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model allows to achieve significant changes at enormous speed even when resources are limited. Another factor that enables people to break new ground and to explore new horizons even under high pressure, is the courage born of desperation or frustration.
V. Writing a screenplay (planning)
When a system has been comprehensively analyzed and understood, and its ‘points of action’ have been identified, the foundation of planning the resources available (production goods) in a 4-dimensional coordinate system by synchronizing and connecting them arises.
In these steps, the
- measures identified (what?/hight),
- with the necessary know-how/kowledge (how?/depth),
- the respective budget to be provided (who?/whereby?/width)
- in an accurate time sequence (when?/time)
are attuned to the identified points of action. Meanwhile all measures unfold a mutual systematic impact by strengthening each other. The result is a quick but sustainable change of the system and thus a solution of the ‘problem’ situation.
The morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model consciously uses the term ‘to write a screenplay’. As in the case of a movie, all active persons receive exact and coordinated guidelines according to their roles.
Consciously induced changes in a system consisting of human dynamics (or statics) are triggered and controlled by humans.
The effectualness of the people involved grows exponentially when they have been provided with a basis for action that is composed of exact guidelines, instead of a theoretic resource planning only. The more the individual in a system knows his or her role and task in order to achieve changes, and the more he or she has the respective knowledge about what to do, when to do, how to do and what to achieve, the higher is his or her effective force and the more intensely he or she can concentrate on ‘his or her’ point of action. It is of crucial importance that the number of points of action to be penetrated is adjusted to the resources available to the persons active.
Writing alternative screenplays for action
In order to prevent the effect of the people active from getting lost in case there is a different and unplanned situation, the process of ‘writing a screenplay’ / or planning by default involves the writing of alternative ‘screenplays’ for editing relevant points of action.
The process of writing a screenplay also involves the communication and ‘rehearsal’ of the respective ‘roles’ with the respective participants (employees).
The morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model envisages the process of ‘writing a screenplay’ ideally as teamwork carried out by those in charge of the respective solution model.
VI. Concentrated action and readjustment according to the respective situation
As soon as the screenplay has been written and the realization has been initiated, all powers and resources available are released in a four-dimensional coordinate system (either at one go or in a cascading way or with single pinpricks or with systematic domino effects). The points of action are served with maximum intensity. Previously planned and rehearsed actions are carried out at the critical points and all actions are systematically coordinated.
In order to allow that the role of the ‘director’ or ‘conductor’ must be determined in advance.
The ‘director’ (project manager) is in charge of controlling and coordinating the planning specifications set as well as permanently observing the effects and impacts of the implementations from a bird’s eye perspective as well as consequently canalizing the resources available to the points of action.
Furthermore it is the director’s task to coach and motivate those active, so they are able to surpass themselves.
The 5th dimension?
In its ‘screenplay’ the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model plans and applies all measures and resources in a network-like way based on the commonly known four space-time dimensions in a four-dimensional control system:
- measures (what?/hight)
- know-how/knowledge (how?/depth)
- budget (who?/whereby?/width)
- when? (time)
so they mutually reinforce their effective force.
However, the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model considers a further ‘5th’ dimension as additional ‘fuel’ for the implementation of all measures. This additional 5th dimension influences all further dimensions to a great extent and is also the one which is often disregarded when it comes to purely analytic and rational solution models in top management.
The fifth and most important dimension in the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model are the people involved and their emotions.
Talents, preferences, abilities and also singularities of the people involved must always be reconnected in order to get an ideal combination of them.
Special situations that require a ‘change of the course’ which means to realign a system, require the extraordinary commitment of all people involved. When it is possible that people in critical situations surpass themselves, instead of being paralyzed by their fears, then extraordinary results can be achieved.
The morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model considers that many people struggle with every type of change and the uncertainties connected to it. In doing so people – between fear and hope – sometimes develop very different mechanisms to block or retard an alteration which often occurs unconsciously. ‘Change management’ is a whole discipline that deals with the issue of how to handle emotions and singularities of people. Because people want to be taken seriously and considered important. Every attempt to ignore these emotions, to thrust them aside with pressure or to ‘intellectualize’ them created an opposite momentum. Problems and resistance get worse and in many cases a process of inner resignation might be triggered. However, this resignation usually does not refer to the company itself or to the own work, but primarily to the management in charge.
A basic objective of the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model is to recognize and appreciate human beings the way they are as well as to bring their emotions, strengths, ideas and creativity in an ‘effector system’ to the intended solutions for the good of everyone involved.
However, this 5th dimension is the most difficult and ‘most exciting’ dimension when it comes to controlling companies and organizations. It is about communicating on an emotional eye level. This creates a common basis and a feeling of togetherness. That requires awareness, time, patience, empathy, tolerance and closeness. That is how people can be won for those measures they are supposed to implement. And people who act by conviction always develop a higher degree of assertiveness and more personal initiative than those who only follow instructions.
The ‘director’ and the top management are in charge of observing and controlling these catalytic 5th dimension.
The morphogenetic +
The morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model considers that the whole action takes place within a context that, on the other hand, is embedded in a larger and subordinate context.
The morphogenetic ‘+’ includes another additional dimension in the development of solution approaches which passes through and connects all previously mentioned dimensions.
The different interactive tendencies and changes in different societies and their respective markets and regions can also be described as morphogenetic fields which are in permanent alteration and constant interaction.
These fields display current tendencies in politics, society, science and zeitgeist in the respective macro and micro environment.
Every market knows regional differences. And every sub-market is embedded in a greater socio-economic, social, legal and political environment. These in turn are embedded in subordinate value systems and technical developments which are in permanent alteration and constant interaction – known as (the constantly changing) zeitgeist.
Every company and organization is moving within unspoken market rules and conditions that are mainly determined by demanders/customers and by competitors and their behavior.
Every action triggers feedback in a certain context to all participants. Those create moods and change factual conditions.
Therefore the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model considers each task in its special, dynamic environment of politics, society, technology and the predominant zeitgeist.
Thereby it is important to consider the macro level as well as the micro level when it comes to the development of solution approaches.
Including these factors in the solution process is just the first step. These factors display their real power when they are used to intensify the solution. Therefore we have the ‘+’ of the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model which becomes particularly effective when interacting with the ‘5th’ dimension (the emotions of those people involved).
In order to achieve a high degree of efficiency, current tendencies are specifically used and instrumentalized.
At the same time it is our goal to attract attention showing new solution and mental approaches and consequently reaching a higher degree of attention that goes beyond the own economic impact.
The solutions approaches based on the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model want to surf on the wave of subordinate trends taking advantage of tendencies in the background in order to create new tendencies in the micro-economic environment at the same time.
If the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model is used for a strategic reorientation of a company (or organization), the pursuit of regional quality market leadership as well as defining and living a stable value system are integral parts of the solution model.
Because this creates power that strengthens the solution which helps reach changes in an effective and resource-saving way.
With the help of the morphogenetic吉吉5D+ solution model it is possible to get a completely new and comprehensive perspective of complex problems in systems operated by humans. That way it becomes possible to achieve any type of desired solutions in a resource-saving way.
What is a morphogenetic field?
The term morphogenetic field was particularly coined and used by the British biologist Rupert Sheldrake in the 1980ies although the thought-provoking impulse goes back to the 1920ies.
The basic underlying question of biologists is: How does a cell know that it is expected to become a skin cell, an eye or a bone cell? If we disassembled a human being into his cells, all of them would be identical. One would not know which function each single cell would have. This resulted in the theory that there must be an external force that assigns its respective task to each cell.
This force is described as a ‘field’ because it is considered that this force has an unlimited extent and is universal. One proof of this thesis is that at least in principal every human being on the Earth looks equal. At the same time this field is subject to a dynamism which has been proved by evolution. Changes in the field are carried out at geographically distant places without recognizable communication. The morphogenetic field learns. For example it could be observed when people start growing new crystals; the first crystal takes much more time while the following crystals are grown in a much shorter time. There seems to be a learning effect.
Apart from biology, this thesis is also studied and proved by experiments in the field of physics. Renowned institutions, like the Max Planck Institute ,are doing research in that field.